
"The best way to accomplish serious design ... is to be totally and completely unqualified for the job." Paula Scher


Listed are things about me

1. I am left handed living in a right handed world.

2. I won a horse in a raffle.

3. The next country I would like to visit is Croatia.

4. I have been to Punxsutawney, PA for Groundhog Day.

5. My current favorite art movement is the Ashcan school.

6. I have the same exacto knife since Portfolio Center in 1999. New blades of course

7. I still wonder where in the world is Malaysian Airlines flight 370. 

8. My favorite place in the world is an art museum with my husband and kids.

9. I remember my dreams every morning.

10. I would love to go on Wheel of Fortune, but I would not hold Pat Sajak's hand.

Neil Gregory CV